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Taking the lead in the fight against Climate Change.

A man stands on the shoreline battered by sea level rise in the Ontong Java Atolls, Solomon Islands

Solomon Ports continues with the Green Port initiative in bringing awareness and solutions to communities across the Solomon Islands, on the dangers of climate change.

As a nation of over 900 islands , Climate change is one of the biggest threat to low lying islands across the country.

As most of the communities in the country are situated along the coasts and shorelines, climate change and especially sea level rise is posing a real threat to the livelihoods of the current and future generations.

As one of the oldest and largest SOE's in the country, Solomon Ports is taking this issue seriously and is formulating solutions in taking part in the fight against this global threat.

With our 'Green Port' Initiative , we are empowering individuals and communities on how they can be part in the fight against climate change.

Over the past three (3) years, we have adopted sustainable solutions to ensure our port operations are done with considerations to the environment. This means we have moved into pushing for more renewable energy use in our daily operations, especially with the use of solar energy and LED lighting technology to reduce energy use and costs.

We have also ventured into taking this initiative to the rural areas of the country, bringing solar power energy to villages and schools, teaching people on the impacts of climate and how they can be part of the solution.







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